We’ve started a fundraiser on Waggle.org for MojoDoozi’s urgent dental procedures. This one is going to be done in at least two parts, as each Waggle campaign is limited to only 2,000.- ($10.- min).

The first one is called Pt. 1 "Operation SnagglePuss." Waggle funds are 100%, there are no fees, they go directly to the vet.

At the same time you have the option to contribute to our Go Fund Me page or Paypal, starting at $1.

This all started out as a normal teeth-cleaning, but ended up being much more. I was going to do it non-anesthetic, but during her last procedure one doctor found a cracked molar and a canine that was broken (before I got her) needing attention too.

Subsequently I sought the advice of a dental specialist, Dr. Hobson, who said the canine has to come out as bone loss is occurring and the risk of infection increasing.

Other extractions are possible because 2 bottom teeth usually present in a dog’s mouth are either missing, (a good thing because nothing to be extracted) or hidden below the gum line and have to come out to prevent future decay, bone loss and infection. Until he sees the films, he doesn’t know how extensive the damage is nor what he’s going to do about the cracked molar.

Letting all this go could be devastating down the line, with a more difficult surgery and it’s rising costs, more pain, infection and suffering if it gets worse. As it is, since I’ve had her, one of her upper teeth has fallen out!

My veterinarian Dr. Hobson at MASH here in LA, estimate is $3866.- to $5595.- depending on what is to be done. We don’t know how extensive repair will be until X-Rays are taken during the surgery. See written estimate below.

🙏 That’s why I’m asking for your help. I lost my job during Covid and have struggled financially ever since, having difficulty making my own ends meet.

Thanks if you got this far. Please share! 💙

Vet Dental Invoice

MASH Dental Estimate

Welcome Mojo!

The esteemed Dr. Hobson is a dental specialist and expert in tending animals with head traumas

Some of these images were taken a couple of years ago, and her teeth look pretty clean….not so much now and her breath! But the ones with the arrows showing the broken molar and the broken canine are current.

Here’s what greeted me in the exam room. There is little doubt Dr. Hobson is greatly beloved.

Just one of many thanks!

Donate here, any amount will do!

#MojoDooziDental #HelpMojo #MojoDoozi #Pugs #PugRescue #PugsofInstagram #DoggieDental #DentalForDogs @waggleforpets